Solar Powered Petrol Pump

Solar Powered Petrol Pump

Solar Powered Petrol Pump

Petrol pumps are often situated in outskirts of the main cities where powercuts are common. Pumps usually consume a lot of electricity as they have to function 24 hours. Petrol pumps in India often rely on diesel generators which are expensive and do not provide instant back-up. A 10kva generator may take 1.5 liters of petrol per hour. On the other hand, solar power system comes at half the cost as it provides free solar electricity for 2 decades. Most petrol pumps, who install solar, recover the full cost of solar installation in less than 3 years!

Off-grid solar package is very popular among petrol pump owners in India. The package consists of Solar PCU, batteries and Solar panels. Batteries store the solar energy generated by PV panels and provide 24 x7 backup to petrol pumps.

The Samrat Solar serves as an excellent solution for Petrol Pumps Solarization, We have developed solar solutions for Petrol Pumps to provide continuous supply of electricity for smooth operations at a very cost effective manner. The main reason behind the massive revamp of petrol pumps is the demand and supply gap that exists in the Indian power grid.

Due to extreme remote locations of petrol Pumps, where power supply is available for few hours or not available at all we install solar systems to provide enough electricity that helps in operating the fuel guns and various other office equipment. You must be surprised to know that one Petrol pump outlet switching to solar power would free up enough electricity to power 60 households in rural areas.

Switching to solar energy would free you from the adverse effects of load shedding and help save over 70 per cent on electricity and diesel genset bills. You can also claim dual benefits of Government subsidy* and 80 per cent depreciation benefit by switching to solar. The GreatSun Solar, provides the most suitable and optimum solution to eliminate/ reduce use of diesel to generate power at Petrol Pumps.

It replaces the conventional DG set with Solar Power Generation set-up and Energy Storage Solution. This complete customized solar power solution for petrol pumps is an example of how we can utilize the power of innovative renewable technology in providing uninterrupted power to customers & businesses in various applications.